Atalanta: Vib & Pno Duo
Performance Materials
Whats Included
Digital download includes the following files:
1. Atalanta - PnoVibVersion - INSTRUCTIONS.pdf
2. Atalanta - PnoVibVersion - SCORES & PARTS:
- Atalanta: PnoVibVersion - FULL SCORE.pdf
- Atalanta: PnoVibVersion - PIANO.pdf
- Atalanta: PnoVibVersion - VIBRAPHONE.pdf
3. Atalanta - PnoVibVersion - PERFORMANCE MATERIALS:
- Atalanta - PnoVibVersion - PERFORMANCE AUDIO.mp3
4. Atalanta - PnoVibVersion - REFERENCE MIXES:
- Atalanta - PnoVibVersion - REFERENCE MIX.mp3
This product is a complete performance package for the original vibraphone and piano duet; Atalanta. Commissioned by , and dedicated to, Fabian Ziegler and Akvilė Šileikaitė, this work is intended to be performed without a click-track or in-ear monitoring. The audio track contains sufficient rhythmic material for the performers to synchronize. The audio system for this work should be stereo, and deliver consistent and balanced sound across the entire frequency range. The piano material has been distributed between left and right hands, but the performer is free to redistribute the material between the hands in any way that works best. The vibraphone motor is intended to be turned on and off with a foot switch. If none is available, the motor should remain off throughout.
NZ$ 130.00 NZD
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